#ifndef IPC_H_ #define IPC_H_ #include #include #include #include "IPCClient.h" // clang-format off #define IPC_MAGIC "DWM-IPC" #define IPC_MAGIC_ARR { 'D', 'W', 'M', '-', 'I', 'P', 'C'} #define IPC_MAGIC_LEN 7 // Not including null char #define IPCCOMMAND(FUNC, ARGC, TYPES) \ { #FUNC, {FUNC }, ARGC, (ArgType[ARGC])TYPES } // clang-format on typedef enum IPCMessageType { IPC_TYPE_RUN_COMMAND = 0, IPC_TYPE_GET_MONITORS = 1, IPC_TYPE_GET_TAGS = 2, IPC_TYPE_GET_LAYOUTS = 3, IPC_TYPE_GET_DWM_CLIENT = 4, IPC_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE = 5, IPC_TYPE_EVENT = 6 } IPCMessageType; typedef enum IPCEvent { IPC_EVENT_TAG_CHANGE = 1 << 0, IPC_EVENT_CLIENT_FOCUS_CHANGE = 1 << 1, IPC_EVENT_LAYOUT_CHANGE = 1 << 2, IPC_EVENT_MONITOR_FOCUS_CHANGE = 1 << 3, IPC_EVENT_FOCUSED_TITLE_CHANGE = 1 << 4, IPC_EVENT_FOCUSED_STATE_CHANGE = 1 << 5 } IPCEvent; typedef enum IPCSubscriptionAction { IPC_ACTION_UNSUBSCRIBE = 0, IPC_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE = 1 } IPCSubscriptionAction; /** * Every IPC packet starts with this structure */ typedef struct dwm_ipc_header { uint8_t magic[IPC_MAGIC_LEN]; uint32_t size; uint8_t type; } __attribute((packed)) dwm_ipc_header_t; typedef enum ArgType { ARG_TYPE_NONE = 0, ARG_TYPE_UINT = 1, ARG_TYPE_SINT = 2, ARG_TYPE_FLOAT = 3, ARG_TYPE_PTR = 4, ARG_TYPE_STR = 5 } ArgType; /** * An IPCCommand function can have either of these function signatures */ typedef union ArgFunction { void (*single_param)(const Arg *); void (*array_param)(const Arg *, int); } ArgFunction; typedef struct IPCCommand { char *name; ArgFunction func; unsigned int argc; ArgType *arg_types; } IPCCommand; typedef struct IPCParsedCommand { char *name; Arg *args; ArgType *arg_types; unsigned int argc; } IPCParsedCommand; /** * Initialize the IPC socket and the IPC module * * @param socket_path Path to create the socket at * @param epoll_fd File descriptor for epoll * @param commands Address of IPCCommands array defined in config.h * @param commands_len Length of commands[] array * * @return int The file descriptor of the socket if it was successfully created, * -1 otherwise */ int ipc_init(const char *socket_path, const int p_epoll_fd, IPCCommand commands[], const int commands_len); /** * Uninitialize the socket and module. Free allocated memory and restore static * variables to their state before ipc_init */ void ipc_cleanup(); /** * Get the file descriptor of the IPC socket * * @return int File descriptor of IPC socket, -1 if socket not created. */ int ipc_get_sock_fd(); /** * Get address to IPCClient with specified file descriptor * * @param fd File descriptor of IPC Client * * @return Address to IPCClient with specified file descriptor, -1 otherwise */ IPCClient *ipc_get_client(int fd); /** * Check if an IPC client exists with the specified file descriptor * * @param fd File descriptor * * @return int 1 if client exists, 0 otherwise */ int ipc_is_client_registered(int fd); /** * Disconnect an IPCClient from the socket and remove the client from the list * of known connected clients * * @param c Address of IPCClient * * @return 0 if the client's file descriptor was closed successfully, the * result of executing close() on the file descriptor otherwise. */ int ipc_drop_client(IPCClient *c); /** * Accept an IPC Client requesting to connect to the socket and add it to the * list of clients * * @return File descriptor of new client, -1 on error */ int ipc_accept_client(); /** * Read an incoming message from an accepted IPC client * * @param c Address of IPCClient * @param msg_type Address to IPCMessageType variable which will be assigned * the message type of the received message * @param msg_size Address to uint32_t variable which will be assigned the size * of the received message * @param msg Address to char* variable which will be assigned the address of * the received message. This must be freed using free(). * * @return 0 on success, -1 on error reading message, -2 if reading the message * resulted in EAGAIN, EINTR, or EWOULDBLOCK. */ int ipc_read_client(IPCClient *c, IPCMessageType *msg_type, uint32_t *msg_size, char **msg); /** * Write any pending buffer of the client to the client's socket * * @param c Client whose buffer to write * * @return Number of bytes written >= 0, -1 otherwise. errno will still be set * from the write operation. */ ssize_t ipc_write_client(IPCClient *c); /** * Prepare a message in the specified client's buffer. * * @param c Client to prepare message for * @param msg_type Type of message to prepare * @param msg_size Size of the message in bytes. Should not exceed * MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE * @param msg Message to prepare (not including header). This pointer can be * freed after the function invocation. */ void ipc_prepare_send_message(IPCClient *c, const IPCMessageType msg_type, const uint32_t msg_size, const char *msg); /** * Prepare an error message in the specified client's buffer * * @param c Client to prepare message for * @param msg_type Type of message * @param format Format string following vsprintf * @param ... Arguments for format string */ void ipc_prepare_reply_failure(IPCClient *c, IPCMessageType msg_type, const char *format, ...); /** * Prepare a success message in the specified client's buffer * * @param c Client to prepare message for * @param msg_type Type of message */ void ipc_prepare_reply_success(IPCClient *c, IPCMessageType msg_type); /** * Send a tag_change_event to all subscribers. Should be called only when there * has been a tag state change. * * @param mon_num The index of the monitor (Monitor.num property) * @param old_state The old tag state * @param new_state The new (now current) tag state */ void ipc_tag_change_event(const int mon_num, TagState old_state, TagState new_state); /** * Send a client_focus_change_event to all subscribers. Should be called only * when the client focus changes. * * @param mon_num The index of the monitor (Monitor.num property) * @param old_client The old DWM client selection (Monitor.oldsel) * @param new_client The new (now current) DWM client selection */ void ipc_client_focus_change_event(const int mon_num, Client *old_client, Client *new_client); /** * Send a layout_change_event to all subscribers. Should be called only * when there has been a layout change. * * @param mon_num The index of the monitor (Monitor.num property) * @param old_symbol The old layout symbol * @param old_layout Address to the old Layout * @param new_symbol The new (now current) layout symbol * @param new_layout Address to the new Layout */ void ipc_layout_change_event(const int mon_num, const char *old_symbol, const Layout *old_layout, const char *new_symbol, const Layout *new_layout); /** * Send a monitor_focus_change_event to all subscribers. Should be called only * when the monitor focus changes. * * @param last_mon_num The index of the previously selected monitor * @param new_mon_num The index of the newly selected monitor */ void ipc_monitor_focus_change_event(const int last_mon_num, const int new_mon_num); /** * Send a focused_title_change_event to all subscribers. Should only be called * if a selected client has a title change. * * @param mon_num Index of the client's monitor * @param client_id Window XID of client * @param old_name Old name of the client window * @param new_name New name of the client window */ void ipc_focused_title_change_event(const int mon_num, const Window client_id, const char *old_name, const char *new_name); /** * Send a focused_state_change_event to all subscribers. Should only be called * if a selected client has a state change. * * @param mon_num Index of the client's monitor * @param client_id Window XID of client * @param old_state Old state of the client * @param new_state New state of the client */ void ipc_focused_state_change_event(const int mon_num, const Window client_id, const ClientState *old_state, const ClientState *new_state); /** * Check to see if an event has occured and call the *_change_event functions * accordingly * * @param mons Address of Monitor pointing to start of linked list * @param lastselmon Address of pointer to previously selected monitor * @param selmon Address of selected Monitor */ void ipc_send_events(Monitor *mons, Monitor **lastselmon, Monitor *selmon); /** * Handle an epoll event caused by a registered IPC client. Read, process, and * handle any received messages from clients. Write pending buffer to client if * the client is ready to receive messages. Drop clients that have sent an * EPOLLHUP. * * @param ev Associated epoll event returned by epoll_wait * @param mons Address of Monitor pointing to start of linked list * @param selmon Address of selected Monitor * @param lastselmon Address of pointer to previously selected monitor * @param tags Array of tag names * @param tags_len Length of tags array * @param layouts Array of available layouts * @param layouts_len Length of layouts array * * @return 0 if event was successfully handled, -1 on any error receiving * or handling incoming messages or unhandled epoll event. */ int ipc_handle_client_epoll_event(struct epoll_event *ev, Monitor *mons, Monitor **lastselmon, Monitor *selmon, const char *tags[], const int tags_len, const Layout *layouts, const int layouts_len); /** * Handle an epoll event caused by the IPC socket. This function only handles an * EPOLLIN event indicating a new client requesting to connect to the socket. * * @param ev Associated epoll event returned by epoll_wait * * @return 0, if the event was successfully handled, -1 if not an EPOLLIN event * or if a new IPC client connection request could not be accepted. */ int ipc_handle_socket_epoll_event(struct epoll_event *ev); #endif /* IPC_H_ */