puzzle_number = input("What is the puzzle ID: ") puzzle_name = input("What is the puzzle name (Snake Case): ") boilerplate = open(".\\src\\solutions\\xx.rs", "r").read() names = puzzle_name.split('_') new_names = list() for name in names: new_names.append(name.capitalize()) boilerplate = boilerplate.replace("xx", puzzle_name) boilerplate = boilerplate.replace("0", puzzle_number) boilerplate = boilerplate.replace("XX", "".join(new_names)) # Get 3 test inputs for i in range(1, 4): test_input = input("Test Input for test {}: ".format(i)) test_result = input("What is the test result for test {}: ".format(i)) test_file = open(".\\src\\input\\{}_test{}".format(puzzle_number, i), "w") test_file.write(test_input) boilerplate = boilerplate.replace("Ready", test_result, 1) new_code = open(".\\src\\solutions\\{}.rs".format(puzzle_name), "w") new_code.write(boilerplate) # Edit main file to add the new puzzle main_file = open(".\\src\\main.rs", "r+", encoding="utf-8") main_file_contents = main_file.read() old_puzzles = "Box::new(xx::XX {})," new_puzzles = "Box::new(" + puzzle_name + "::" + "".join(new_names) + " {}),\n Box::new(xx::XX {})," main_file_contents = main_file_contents.replace(old_puzzles, new_puzzles) main_file.truncate(0) main_file.seek(0) main_file.write(main_file_contents) # Edit mode file to expose the new solution mod_file = open(".\\src\\solutions\\mod.rs", "r+", encoding="utf-8") mod_file_contents = mod_file.read() old_mod = "pub mod xx;" new_mod = "pub mod " + puzzle_name + ";\npub mod xx;" mod_file_contents = mod_file_contents.replace(old_mod, new_mod) mod_file.truncate(0) mod_file.seek(0) mod_file.write(mod_file_contents)